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The Slovenian Discrete and Applied Mathematics Society was founded in Koper (Slovenia), on 14 December 2016. The aim of this society is to promote the mathematical sciences, with special emphasis given to discrete and applied mathematics. The Society is research-oriented, and publishes scientific literature and organises scientific meetings such as this one. In particular, it is involved in publishing Ars Mathematica Contemporanea and The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics. It has members, fellows and honorary members.

The Society is involved in organization of scientific meetings. Here is the list of meetings in which SDAMS has been involved:

  • 7th PhD Summer School in Discrete Mathematics, 23 – 29 July 2017, Rogla, Slovenia
  • Workshop on Discrete and Computational Biomathematics and Mathematical Chemistry 2017, 15 – 17 November 2017, UP FAMNIT, Koper, Slovenia
  • Non-Commutative Structures 2018: A Workshop in Honor of Jonathan Leech, 23 – 27 May 2018, UP FTŠ Turistica, Portorož, Slovenia
  • Graphs, Groups, and More: Celebrating Brian Alspach's 80th and Dragan Marušič's 65th birthdays, May 28 – June 1 2018, Koper, Slovenia
  • 8th PhD Summer School in Discrete Mathematics, 1 -- 7 July 2018, Rogla, Slovenia

A 'Member' may be any individual actively engaged in mathematical research, as evidenced in practice by authorship of a paper covered by MathSciNet or zbMATH, or by enrolment in a research degree (and supported by a recommendation letter from the student's supervisor).

A 'Fellow' is a member who has strong international visibility and has made a positive impact on mathematics in Slovenia. Typically, a fellow would be expected to have at least 500 citations in the MathSciNet database, or be noted for some other achievements (such as an international award, or having given a keynote address in a large conference, or supervised a PhD student in or from Slovenia). 

An 'Honorary Member' is an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the development of discrete or applied mathematics in Slovenia. 

The Society has a Council to oversee its operations. It has a Nomination Committee, for nominating candidates for fellowship, and for considering candidates for honorary membership.  Under the current rules, the Council of the Society will elects new Fellows and a limited number of Honorary Members at its annual meeting each year. 

Official name (in Slovene):
Slovensko društvo za diskretno in uporabno matematiko,
Associazione slovena per la matematica discreta e applicata

Name in English:
Slovenian Discrete and Applied Mathematics Society

Short name: SDAMS

Official address: Kettejeva 1, 6000 Koper

Official e-mail: sdams@sdams.si

  • President: dr. Nino Bašić
  • Vice president: dr. Dragan Marušič
  • Executive secretary: dr. Klavdija Kutnar
  • Treasurer: dr. Vito Vitrih
  • Secretary of the Equal Opportunities Committee: dr. Tomaž Pisanski

Founding members: Tomaž Pisanski, Klavdija Kutnar, Dragan Marušič, Nino Bašić, Vito Vitrih, Martin Milanič, Andrej Brodnik, Boštjan Kuzman, Vladimir Batagelj, Ademir Hujdurović, Ana Zalokar, Nastja Cepak, Bojan Kuzma, Boštjan Frelih, Aleandra Ramos Rivera, Safet Penjić, Rok Požar, Štefko Miklavič.